Thursday 25th June, from 2.00 pm -6.00pm at Ketley Community Centre

Come and share your memories and see the work of Meadows Primary School pupils and the Ketley Local History Group

 The Exhibition is a joint venture Meadows Primary School and the Ketley Local History Group and will feature memories from the old Ketley School and the pupis’ work to celebrate the achievements and impact of William Reynolds. Pupils from the school will also be collecting memories for an orals history.

It is a community and event and residents of Ketley and all heritage partners, who have been involved in the Heritage Schools Programme, are invited to attend.  You can also learn more about the work of the Ketley Local History Group, and how you can get involved, throughout the whole afternoon.

There will be two sessions:

2.00pm – 3.00 pm Collecting Memories of Ketley and Ketley School

There is an opportunity for you to share your memories with pupils from Meadows Primary, who will be taking recordings in preparation for producing an oral history book, based especially on ex-pupils of the Keltey School, over the next academic year.

4.00pm – 6.00pm Celebrating Ketley History Exhibition

Formal opening and viewing of the the school’s exhibition.

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