Inclined to Inform
Cllr Anil Saini“It was reassuring to see so many residents at our recent meeting with Superintendent Nav Malik, Detective Chief Inspector Jennie Mattinson and Chief Inspector James Baker from West Mercia Police who attended the meeting to answer questions from concerned residents on the number of burglaries in the Parish. It was also reassuring to hear that the number of burglaries is lower in Ketley than in other parts of the Borough and that nationally, Telford has a lower crime rate. Residents were reminded of the simplest things to deter burglars: to keep their properties locked and their belongings out of sight when they are at work or away on holiday. On behalf of the Parish Council, I would like to thank West Mercia Police for offering to meet with the residents of Ketley and listening to their concerns. ” Cllr Anil Saini.

Friends of Paddock Mound
On the evening of 31st March 2014, Martin Noble of Shropshire Mammals Group and Mark Latham of the Shropshire Amphibian & Reptile Group will be making a preliminary visit to Paddock Mound with a view to conducting surveys.

A number of our members will be joining them at 7pm by the top gate in Shepherds Lane (opposite Quarry Lane). You are of course very welcome to attend!

